Acceptance Speech

Twenty-seven bloody years ago, the sublimely fabulous and witty Olivia – of My New Favourite Thing – kindly bestowed the ‘Stylish Blogger Award’ on my undeserving little shoulders.*

I’m generally not one for following rules – seriously, you should see how much I cheat in a game of Monopoly, let alone life! – but the award obliges its recipient to reveal five things about themselves.  Like the baton in a relay race or syphilis (!), it must then be passed to another five blogs.

If you’re sitting comfortably, let us begin:

1. I turned down a place at Oxford to attend… Nottingham University.  If this were Twitter, the hashtag #NotInRightMind would now follow.

2. Whilst fully clothed, I was unceremoniously thrown out of an Amsterdam nightclub for “dancing too provocatively”.

3.  My grandfather was a Communist.

4. I was once mistaken – and thereafter mobbed – by an excited throng of paparazzi ‘Have DSLR, Will Use DSLR’ Japanese tourists for being Cat Deeley.  I must have been prettier in those days…

5. My surname is exceptionally rare – I said “rare” not “C*cksbottom embarrassing” – and I have not been able to identify its origin.

In alphabetical order, I would like to gift this ‘They Love Me, They Really Love Me!’ award to the following ladies:

A Model Recommends

Dead Stylish

Forty Not Out

Not Just Another Milla

The Importance of Being Oreo

* As one of my favourite bloggers, I’m genuinely chuffed and humbled by this, Miss Phillips! x


Filed under Style Souk

14 responses to “Acceptance Speech

  1. Why thank you gorgeous! I shall accept gracefully and play along in due course! Loved your five! Cat Deeley eh? Wit Woo beautiful lady xx

  2. ha lov this thanks for sharing xxxx

  3. As usual, you’ve made me laugh out loud. Jealous of your way with words! A very well deserved award!

    P.S. I went to Nottingham too! Although, sadly for me, Oxford didn’t come a-knocking first. xx

  4. This is brilliant Sarah, you have such a good way with words. And not a lot of people can say they turned down Oxford!

    Thank you so much for the mention as well – you’re lovely!

  5. Oh wow, no to Oxford? I absolutely love reading posts like these. Kind of intrigued at your surname now! Mine is unusual for a Cantonese-Chinese name but according to my parents, it’s only unsual in the fact that in the Hong Kong phone directory there is about half a page…rather than the 10’s of pages of Lee’s, Chans and Wong’s etc of the world.

  6. styleonthecouch

    A well deserved award indeed. I was happy to read this about the uni – I took my As at A Level to Derby University rather than going elsewhere, much to the disgust of friends and teachers alike. But it’s sooo what makes us happy that counts.

    Now. Can we hear more about point number two?!

  7. Oh, I loved reading these five things! My better half went to Oxford, so I’m sure he’d have a bigger fit about you turning that down. And having lived in Amsterdam for two years, I can say that the Dutch are actually not as open as you’d think…

  8. haha, great tidbits! i love reading stuff like that! x

  9. Your blog is always such a great read, we love it!

  10. I’m working on an end of year piece, and your blog is a major feature! You write so well, you’re humorous and honest. The greedy part of me wants you to write more often! Please do!


    PS – dying to see what you look like Cat!

  11. You are hilarious!

    What the heck is your surname? I really, really want to know now!


  12. Good to find more fabulous bloggers.. definitely going to check them out.
    I adore yours

  13. Pingback: Ego | Style Souk

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